how long do you have to be married to get military benefits after divorce

How Does Divorce Impact a Spouse’s Military Benefits?

Being married to someone from the Armed Forces comes with plenty of benefits, but unfortunately, not all marriages are meant to last which is the reality many couples have to face. So, what happens to a former military spouse? Not all former spouses get to retain the benefits they enjoyed when married to someone in…

can undocumented immigrants join the military

Can Undocumented Immigrants Join the Military?

Immigrants have served in the United States Armed Forces since the country was founded, participating in every major conflict in American history. A study revealed that approximately 700,000 foreign-born veterans, many of whom have become American citizens, reside in the country today. Meanwhile, about 45,000 immigrants are actively serving in the Armed Forces. Immigrants have…

Can You Have Tattoos In The Military

Can You Have Tattoos In The Military? Understanding Policies

Did you know that 64% of soldiers who signed up for the military had existing tattoos before entering active duty service? Given that many service members have tattoos, does it mean having tattoos won’t prevent you from enlisting in the US military? The truth is it depends. If you’re interested in serving the nation through…

Can You Switch Branches In The Military

Can You Switch Branches In The Military? Let’s Find Out

Can you change branches once you’ve signed up for a particular service branch? When Armed Forces members think about switching careers, they may consider changing to a different branch of service. This article will explore whether that option is feasible for military personnel. Can You Switch Your MOS? Every service member is assigned a MOS…

Can You Receive 100% VA Disability and Military Retirement Pay

Can You Receive 100% VA Disability and Military Retirement Pay?

Rendering military service is a privilege that comes with plenty of benefits. Among the many perks veterans are given are VA disability compensation and military retirement pay. But is it possible to receive both payments without sacrificing one for the other? This article will explore if qualified veterans can obtain both payments. It can help…

What Is an MOS in the Military

What Is an MOS in the Military? – Unveiling Specialty Codes

Did you know there are over 10,000 occupational specialties in the US military? There are plenty of job opportunities and roles in the Armed Forces. A service member’s role within the military is their MOS or military occupational specialty. Regardless if you’re from the Air Force or Marine Corps, you’re assigned a military occupational specialty…

article 92 ucmj

Article 92 (UCMJ) or Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation

If you’re a service member of the United States Armed Forces, you’re probably aware of the importance of the United Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The UCMJ is a federal law that serves as the foundation of the military justice system. Article 92, or Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation from Military Superiors is…

ucmj article 112a

UCMJ Article 112A: Wrongful Use of Controlled Substances

If you’re part of the Armed Forces, one of the most important things you should familiarize yourself with is the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The UCMJ serves as the primary foundation of military justice. It details the criminal offenses under military law. One of the offenses the UCMJ discusses is Article 112A: Wrongful…