A business transaction showing one person handing over a stack of cash to another across a desk with documents and a laptop.

SCRA Requirements for Lenders: A Compliance Guide

Lenders are legally required to honor the rights mandated by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) to avoid paying hefty penalties. But what exactly are these rights? We’ll discuss pertinent details lenders should know before lending to active duty service members. Understanding the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) for Lenders Formerly the Sailors Civil Relief…

A brightly lit warehouse corridor lined with orange storage unit doors, showcasing organized storage solutions.

How Much Can Storage Units Increase Rent? A Military Tenant’s Guide

Storage unit rental rates aren’t static because of various factors. The higher the demand for self-storage units, the more expensive the rent is. If the storage unit is in the city center, it’d be more costly than one in a rural area. The price of ensuring the storage facility is safe and well-maintained can also…

Two individuals organizing and documenting packages in a modern storage facility with green storage unit doors.

Does Public Storage Offer Military Discount? Discover Your Benefits!

Becoming a service member involves accepting frequent movement because of military orders. It’s normal for military personnel to move interstate and sometimes abroad for deployment. This constant change in address may lead some people to rent a storage unit. Military personnel are provided perks to make military service more manageable, but does this extend to…

A soldier in full camouflage gear stands alert in a forested environment, equipped with tactical gear and a rifle.

Can You Get Out of a Military Contract? A Service Member’s Guide

Some people change their minds about their service commitment. Not everyone is cut out to become a military member, and that’s fine. When you enlist in the military, the Armed Forces spend thousands of dollars to finance your training to become an asset to the Air Force or your chosen branch. In return, you’re expected…

Military Spouses Residency Relief Act

Understanding the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act: Key Insights

Military spouses have to move around a lot to accompany the military member they married, and this constant movement requires a lot of effort. Fortunately, laws like the SCRA or Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and the MSRRA or Military Spouses Residency Relief Act exist to make the transitions easier. We’ll zero in on the MSRRA…

scra violations

Consequences of SCRA Violations: What to Expect?

Have you ever wondered what happens when a creditor or business violates the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)? We’ll discuss the actions active duty service members can take and the possible consequences of not honoring SCRA protections. This will give you an idea of the penalties one can face when an entity doesn’t honor the…

Storage Unit Eviction Process

Storage Unit Eviction Process Explained: Key Legal Guidelines

Did you know that self-storage operators are just like landlords? This applies to tenants who don’t adhere to the rental agreement. Because they’re in charge of maintaining self-storage units, they might be tasked with the self-storage eviction process for people who don’t fulfill their duties. A self-storage unit is fundamentally like any other property. If…

Get A DD214 For A Deceased Relative

How To Get A DD214 For A Deceased Relative: Ultimate Guide

A DD Form 214 is proof of military service issued by the United States Department of Defense to a military member after separation. Obtaining a copy of a DD 214 is vital if you want to access the various benefits and services available to military personnel. But what if your family member passed away? Is…

which protections exist under the servicemembers civil relief act

Which Protections Exist Under The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)?

Active duty service members get several financial and legal protections from the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, but what exactly are these? Formerly known as the Sailors Civil Relief Act, the SCRA can benefit those rendering military service. Familiarizing oneself with the benefits is vital to making the most of them. We’ll discuss SCRA rights military…

SCRA Repossession Protection Rights

SCRA Repossession Protection Rights: A Quick Guide

Can personal property, like a vehicle, be repossessed if you’re an active-duty service member? People who render military service are granted plenty of benefits, including SCRA protections. In this article, we’ll explore what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) has to say about repossession proceedings. When Can a Vehicle Get Repossessed? Various scenarios could prompt…